Winter remix: 10 items, 10 outfits, 10 days
The 10 x 10 Challenge is where you pick 10 pieces from your wardrobe and create 10 outfits from them over the next 10 days.It's about having fun, challenging our creativity, and learning something new about ourselves.I've decided to give it a go! Letting go of my perfectionism that I've miss the official challenge dates, because honestly who cares, it's more about taking the action and doing it.You can follow along and see what outfits I create on my instagram. After I've completed the challenge I'll pop back here and give you a recap on how I went.You can read more about the 10 x 10 challenge from Caroline at Un-Fancy or Lee at Style Bee.
- 4 tops
- 3 bottoms
- 2 shoes
- 1 vest
I'm not including accessories, like bags, jewellery, scarves or jackets.Oh! and general life activities (running, sleeping, etc) require work out wear and PJ's, so those will still get worn in the background like usual. |1| Black and white stripe wool pullover |similar| |2| Grey Stripe pullover |3|Cue Red stripe knit |4| Cue Blouse (old) |5| Grey patterned jeans |6| Cotton jersey pants |7| Black elastic wasted jeans |8| white converse shoes |9| Black boots |10| Wool puffer vest